

I'm Victoria Morais

I'm a Designer based in Portugal with UX/UI and product skills with more than 5 years of experience. I'm currently working at Tangível and my objective is to contribute with my knowledge and skills to deliver the best solution for business and people's needs.

Product Discovery

UX Research

UX/UI Design

Victoria's profile picture

My work


Brastemp Experience

How we improved the service and made the searching process for technical assistance more efficient

My role: Product Designer

Brastemp cover
Gama Academy

Gama leveling

An auto evaluation service to understand the student's profile and offer the best solution: a preparatory study content, an experience program or a learning path

My role: UX/UI Designer

Gama leveling cover
UX/UI trial work


A new way of tracking orders in an e-commerce experience. A solution where buyers can choose when they will receive their orders

My role: Product Designer | UX Research

Vupt cover
Developed with
Eduardo Basso (AKA the developer)'s photo in 8-bit style
Eduardo Basso